Two or more adjectives: If more than one adjective modifies the same noun (the nice old man), each adjective acts independently and takes the appropriate ending (der nette alte Mann, ein netter alter Mann). Therefore, these words, as well as any adjectives that follow, must be declined (viele kleine Kinder, einige nette Nachbarn, wenige schnelle Sportler) The same is true for EINIGE (a few, some), MEHRERE (several), and WENIGE (few, not many). VIELE (many) is an adjective and not an article. So in their base forms, our and your do not indicate gender. EUER (your, pl.) has the same ending, and the -er is part of the article itself. When adding an adjective, it must be declined: "unser schnelles Auto" shows that car is neutral "unser kleiner Hund" shows that dog is a masculine noun. Adjective Formation in German Grammar - Lingolia WebAdjectives for is a tool. "Unser Auto" is equivalent to "mein Auto". In this post, we will introduce you to the rules of adjective declension in.

Remember that the -er in unser is part of the article our, it is NOT a separate ending (unser Hund ist klein unsere Blumen sind schön unser Auto ist schnell). Italian Adjectives can have a gender as well depending if they are singular or plural.UNSER. Italian has several “moods” for its verbs that indicate the speaker’s feelings towards the action being done as well as what “tense” or time it’s being done. Most Italian end in a vowel sound, those that don’t are usually of foreign origins. In the case of a word ends in “-io” the “o” is dropped from the word to form the plural. Plural Adjectives usually end in “-i”.

Singular Adjectives can be either Masculine or Feminine and usually end in “-e”.Most Italian Adjectives are either plural or singular depending on the ending.size age color purposee I bought a pair of black leather shoes. age shape origin My small new red sleeping bag. You have to add an es ending to nouns created from adjectives after the words etwas (something), nichts (nothing), wenig, (few) or viel (lots). Most nouns beginning with Ge- are neuter. Accusative adjectives Adjectives that describe size and length require the accusative. Some adjectives can directly govern the grammatical case of the nouns or pronouns that follow them.

They often describe nouns and personal pronouns. They have feminine adjective endings which change according to the article which comes before them. German adjectives provide more information about something or someone, an occurrence or a condition. Note that some German adjectives are also used as feminine nouns. opinion color material Some new slim French trousers. It is especially common to turn adjectives into nouns after words like etwas (something), nichts (nothing), wenig (few) and viel (lots). Many masculine German nouns can be made feminine by adding -in in the singular and -innen in the plural. size shape color A disgusting pink plastic ornament.